20 Yard Roll-Off Dumpster

20 yard roll-off dumpster delivered to your residential or commercial job site within a 30 miles radius Madison, MS 39110. Additional cost will be added for any extra mileage outside of the 30 mile radius. Our dumpster price includes a 2 ton disposal fee. Anything over the allotted 2 tons will be charged upon dumping at $100 per ton.


What IS Allowed in a Dumpster

  • Household Junk

  • Wooden Furniture

  • Asphalt, Brick and Concrete Debris

  • Household Junk Wooden Furniture Asphalt, Brick and Concrete Debris

  • Home Improvement and Construction Project Debris

  • Lumber and Wood

  • Debris from a Storm

  • Drywall, Shingles, and Roofing Materials

  • Appliances (Verify before throwing away)

  • Electronics

  • Trees, Stumps, Dirt and Rock from clearing sites

  • Construction Waste Removal

  • Foreclosure Clean Outs (doors, windows, and plumbing fixtures)

  • Garbage Removal

  • Mattress Disposal

What IS not Allowed in a Dumpster

While dumpsters are in your possession, you will NOT place or allow to be placed into the dumpster:

  • Substances hazardous to health such toxic or corrosive materials or liquids

  • Liquids of any kind weather contained or not.

  • Cans, drums, or other container of any kind unless emptied and incapable of carrying any liquid.

  • Medical Waste or Animal Carcasses of any kind

  • Any material not listed above however considered unsuitable for containment: Refrigerators, Hot Water Tanks, Car Batteries, Hazardous Materials/Contaminated Soil, Oils/Fuels/Propane Tanks and Industrial Drums, Asbestos, and Railroad Ties

  • Extremely heavy material such as rock, dirt, or concrete. Please let us know and we can help you dispose of such heavy items in a more efficient manner

  • All refuse shall remain within the confines of the dumpster and shall not exceed the top or sides. Every attempt shall be taken to equally disperse the weight of the refuse within the dumpster.

  • Customer shall be liable for any loss or damage to rented equipment in excess of reasonable wear and tear.